Arsenal manager Arsene Wenger has told BeIN Sports (quotes via the Daily Telegraph) that he believes that the January transfer window should be scrapped in order to ensure that clubs have more stability right throughout the season.
In addition to no mid season transfers, the Frenchman also suggested that the summer transfer window should be moved so it closes before the start of the domestic season:
“I believe that we have to bring some decency (to the game). We all complain today that it (football) has become too much (a) business, but we can do something about it. We have that responsibility in the game.”
The ideal situation would be to have a transfer period that is closed 48 hours before the first game of the championship and to close it completely until after the season.”
Wenger went on to say that he thinks the transfer window encourages a mercenary attitude on the player’s behalf. He suggested that many that angle for a move mid season are already thinking about their next club in October. He says it leads to players being constantly unsettled, and leaving clubs at the first sign of trouble, rather than staying to work hard on improving their performances.
No doubt the Gunners boss is suggesting that some of his own players are in the same boat, but it must be said, if the team was performing at a much higher level, there would be much less desire for players to leave.