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You HAVE to bring in a replacement Arsene!

Image for You HAVE to bring in a replacement Arsene!

With Alex Song expected to complete his £15 million move to Barcelona this week, Arsene Wenger admits the north London club might have to bring in a replacement for the Cameroon international.

The 24-year-old midfielder became the second big-name player in the space of three days to leave Arsenal after Robin van Persie swapped The Emirates for Old Trafford last Friday.

However, Wenger says the board made the decision to sell Song, unlike the Van Persie deal, where they were forced to sell the Dutchman as he only had one year left to run on his contract.

Wenger told talkSPORT:

‘We had planned for Song’s move to Barcelona.

‘We might bring someone in but we have plenty of midfielders.

‘The situation was completely different from Robin van Persie’s departure. Song had three years to go on his deal. Now he has gone and we have decided that.’

Now I’m probably not the only one that thinks this but Wenger and the club definitely need to find a suitable replacement for Song, as I believe Abou Diaby is not up for the task.

We have the funds to go out into the market and bring in a solid defensive midfielder before the summer transfer window closes, so there really are no excuses if they don’t decide to do this.

A lot of midfielders names have been touted with a move to The Emirates, such as Nuri Sahin, Lucas Biglia and Yann M’Vila, and I think its fair to say that many, if not all, Arsenal fans will want to see one of the aforementioned names come in to replace Song before the summer window shuts.

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  • Sam says:

    All our best players are leaving and we never buy quality players to replace them, or any and why because AW always says we have a big squad, maybe so but most of them are crap and injury prone,not good enough for Arsenal,Squillaci,Chamakh,Diaby. If they keep selling our best players and lets face it there isn’t much left now, this is what were gonna be left with. We have bought some good players this time but to me it’s too little,too late. If Arsenal had bought these players before Fab & Nas left we would have won something by now and none of them would have left. Unfortunately,all AW and Arsenal are interested in is profit, they don’t care if we win anything or not as long as their making money. The only way to make them take any notice is to hit them were it hurts,their wallet,stop buying their product,like shirts or if the fans boycott a home game.Can’t see us getting anywhere near the top four this season, not with us loosing our best players and the lower teams strengthening more than us.

  • Steve1,iringa Tanzania says:

    It z possible to have arsenal without arsene! It z the time for him to go now. How stupid he is,withn 2 seasons 4 bg stars are sold! Shame on him.

  • Stanley says:

    Yes Wenger you have to replace them as follows replace Rvp with Llorente Diaby with M’vila Ramsey with Bigila Song with Sahin and even Arshavin with Gason and also Squillaci and Djourou be replaced with 2 good defenders and then a new keeper Lloris.

  • danccm says:

    Deluded Arsenal fans here… Go check the accounts posted on the site of and you will notice that we barely break even every year since the move to emirates. And song is replaceable since he is one of the people why we leak goals season after season for his roaming up front everytime since his main job is DM not CAM.

  • Arsenalist says:

    wenger will only bring nuri sahin on loan we are getting rid of atleast four stikers. Rvp,bentner,chamakh and park and we will be left with 2. What is wenger doing. Unless he he plans on keeping chamakh and park and squllaci. I feel sorry for arsenal this year. what happens when giroud and podolski get injured. One more thing my fellow gooner stop acting like window shoppers because you all should know by now that wenger is like a pensioner he will not spend money. Arsenal is becoming an old age home. We are being runed by his old fashioned way. Other teams make plans to win the league but arsenal make plans for profit. Its time for every supporter to stop supporting the club for a while and start protesting we need change. The stupidity of our management makes fergie and mancini look like the best when they realy are crap.

  • mosbee says:

    gunners for life am here before wenger and still gunner be here after him. i believe in his pholosophy in greed that makes the bord feel he is the alfa nd omega when it comes to the mind game in manupulating the fan all season while they winning the trophy called money. h is a good coach to achiev lot of hunor making good use of semi average players to maitain forth posession in the epl for 7 season. now he is swapin d dead woods for good yall brat keep talking bulshit. i say yes to his decission

  • Roland C Rozario says:

    Those who are asking for Arsene obviously do not appreciate what he has done for the past 10 or so years!
    Do not ask for Arsene’s blood ….. if he leaves you will regret!
    Arsene will rebuild Arsenal for from the ashes will rise The Arsenal Phoenix!

  • jimino says:

    It is now obvious dat asene wenger nd d greedy board member are nt afta trophy rada dey r afta more mony. It is we d fans dat r afta trophy. Sometin nid 2 b don 2 change der mind.

  • Les Arse says:

    Song has had a couple of outstanding seasons but some fans forget not so long ago his Arsenal future was on the line. He looked unfit, uninterested and out of sorts. Yes, he is an outstanding passer for a defensive midfielder – although, at the same time, he can concede a lot of rather careless free kicks.

    I don’t understand why Sahin is being spoken of as a direct replacement. Defensive midfield is quite a specialist position these days so someone like M’Vila is required. There are others at Arsenal who could fill in – Frimpong, Coquelin, Eastmond but really, you need someone of stature right now in that position. Diaby cannot really play that role well and I hope Wenger does not persist with him there.

    If Steve Bould’s efforts have tightened up a better-drilled defence and someone like M’Vila is bought I don’t think Song will be missed that much.

  • Arsenalist says:

    istead of doing business swiftly. Wenger will wait until we lose more games, by then the window will be close and we will be stuck as usual. if you look at all our players can you honesly say we will win something.i know we have good players but what about the ones who are injury prone and will jack be as sharp as he was. We dont have that 1 special player that can turn games in our favour. Santi is good but did you see his career stats stats. Chamakh was good in the french league but failed in the pl. Giroud could be the same. Podolski was poor for bayern he was alright for colone how will he fair.

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