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You HAVE to bring in a replacement Arsene!

Image for You HAVE to bring in a replacement Arsene!

With Alex Song expected to complete his £15 million move to Barcelona this week, Arsene Wenger admits the north London club might have to bring in a replacement for the Cameroon international.

The 24-year-old midfielder became the second big-name player in the space of three days to leave Arsenal after Robin van Persie swapped The Emirates for Old Trafford last Friday.

However, Wenger says the board made the decision to sell Song, unlike the Van Persie deal, where they were forced to sell the Dutchman as he only had one year left to run on his contract.

Wenger told talkSPORT:

‘We had planned for Song’s move to Barcelona.

‘We might bring someone in but we have plenty of midfielders.

‘The situation was completely different from Robin van Persie’s departure. Song had three years to go on his deal. Now he has gone and we have decided that.’

Now I’m probably not the only one that thinks this but Wenger and the club definitely need to find a suitable replacement for Song, as I believe Abou Diaby is not up for the task.

We have the funds to go out into the market and bring in a solid defensive midfielder before the summer transfer window closes, so there really are no excuses if they don’t decide to do this.

A lot of midfielders names have been touted with a move to The Emirates, such as Nuri Sahin, Lucas Biglia and Yann M’Vila, and I think its fair to say that many, if not all, Arsenal fans will want to see one of the aforementioned names come in to replace Song before the summer window shuts.

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  • the_Gunt says:

    Ghokan inler from napoli

  • asante says:

    please,please,please Wenger leave our club.You can not run it this club agai,if You and your board you have decided to allow SONG to leave it means that you can not keep your good players at the club.even Wilshere,Vermaelen and Carzola will leave are stupid and you can not give us any trophy again.please I berg You leave our lovely club and we willw get another manager to take us through.please,please and please

    • Ukpunisher says:

      You leave our club. You Obviously know very little about football and love song. Go support barca.

      • Lemon says:

        You better shut up.. You this useless idiot know nothing for football.. Because of having you as a idiot supporters.. Arsene wenger will never improve ANC change.. AH!!

    • tommyt says:

      exactly. you leave OUR club. You no nothing and it shows in simple things like you saying “you and your board” go support an african team or something.

  • for wenger and his board to allow song to leave that means wenger cant keep his best players which can not bring any trophy.then he should leave and another allow capable manager to run the club.poor manager

  • Alex george says:

    Don’t be surprised Wenger doesn’t bring in anybody. A few years ago when asked if Arsenal need to buy,,he said he had two super stars coming back from injury.
    The rest is history. I don’t want history to be repeated withe gunners winning nothing.

    • TheGooner says:

      Bang on.

      Hese got a loan deal in place so he can scrape his 4th place trophy, and he wants to bring the young blood through to increase their value ready to sell after a few years in the first team.

  • asante says:

    to make it clear,Wenger is not the man who loves ARSENAL as we fans,he is only there to make sure that ARSENAL is going down and down,SONG was our Idol,he was still with 3years for his Arsenal can win trophy without him?if I was in London I will go on the Strike for the way ARSENAL club is running their activities,Gervinho,Poldoski,Giroud,Carzola,are good players but they are all new players in the club,how you can do better without keeping your good players at the club?Wenger is a looser.I hate him much after allowing SONG to leave at the club.

    • Ukpunisher says:

      Ha ha. Song was Overrated. One good season in years. And if that useless fucker doesn’t want to turn up on time and be a part of arsenal he can fuck off. Traitor gold digging bitch.

    • tommyt says:

      you’re not a real fan. like you say, you arent even from london and only follow arsenal because of a couple of african players like song. We real fans dont want your negative, poorly spoken comments on OUR clubs blogs. I wouldnt go on an African blog and insult your team! COYG

  • sam says:

    Fuck m’vila he’s too tempermental. I think we should get value for money and get wanyama from celtic and iv you want experience in that position then get cambiasso inter didnt have the best time season just passed and dont have CL football which we can offer and he is a 1 season player now givin us time to ease wanyama into the team!

    Gooners 4 lyf!

  • fredrick says:

    wenger arsene is a selfish manager the board are coward

  • bergkamps left leg says:

    asante. You are obviously an idiot.
    there, that about sums it up.

    • TheGooner says:

      LOL funny sh*t!!

      I didnt want to see song get sold but f*ck it thats what the people at the top do at the moment, sell players, break even, make money, slowly lose strength in depth.

  • bc says:

    Im certain he will sign someone but in arteta we have a very capable dm we only play with 2 in the holding midfield area and arteta diaby wilshire ramsey coquelin frimpong are all capable players and in most cases outstanding. the issue is that 2 of the 6 are currently injured whilst diaby is bound to be injured shortly. sahin will be the man for wenger i am sure. he will then replace squillaci with yanga-mbwia and hopefully will be able to bring in dempsey for park or chamakh. for me that is all we need 3 signings.

  • Realist says:

    ARSENAL’S 15 seasons               pre-Wenger:
    5th, 10th, 6th, 7th, 7th, 4th, 6th, 1st, 4th, 1st, 4th, 10th. 4th, 12th, 5th. 

    Part season with Wenger: 3rd.

    14 full seasons with Wenger:
    1st, 2nd, 2nd, 2nd, 1st, 2nd, 1st, 2nd, 4th, 4th, 3rd, 4th, 3rd, 4th, 3rd


    • angry gooner says:

      In Arsen we fade. He is a liar and sucking young player blood then leave them. That is not foot ball rather business…… look at the previous 8 season with out any trophy

      • Realist says:

        We are now competing with billionaire owners aswell as the spending power united have always had.
        People go on as if arsenal where always winning things before wenger came! Not true! In all our so called glorious history of winning so much and 40% of our FA cup wins where whilst wenger has been at the helm.

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