Tabloid Talk

Why Wenger’s £29M action plan would go down a treat

Image for Why Wenger’s £29M action plan would go down a treat

Arsene Wenger is set to spend the funds recouped from the inevitable sale of Captain Fabregas to Barcelona, to strengthen the heart of his much criticised defence in a double raid for Gary Cahill and Chris Samba.

With noises coming out of the Arsenal camp indicating that they are willing to let Cesc return to Catalonia as long as the European champion’s match their £35m valuation. A sizable chunk of change could be available for Wenger to dip into the transfer market.

Wenger’s pursuance of both deals shows his desperation to rectify the defensive failings which have plagued Arsenals ability to land major trophies, even with their sumptuous attacking play.

25-year-old Cahill has a £17m release clause in his contract which Arsenal will have to meet if Wenger is serious about landing the towering England international. The highly-rated defender has been linked with a move to the Emirates on numerous occasions with the only stumbling block to any deal being the trotters asking price. The windfall from the Fabregas sale should allow Arsenal the manoeuvrability to broker a deal for Bolton’s most prized asset.

Continuing on the thread of physical rough and ready centre-half’s playing in the north-west. Wenger has also turned his attentions to Blackburn Rovers giant, Chris Samba. The central defender is valued at £12m by Rovers, with Arsenal believed to be willing to offer £10m. According to the people sources close to the player believe a deal can eventually be agreed.

Although Arsenal fans will undoubtedly be sad to see the back of their prestigious midfield star, who arrived in the capital a fresh-faced 16 year-old with talent of epic proportions, it was Wenger’s guidance and belief which have moulded him into the creative hub of this current Arsenal side. The departure of their much-loved captain can allow Arsene to build a team with a more robust backline. Allowing their devastating attacking intricacies to be displayed without the fear of a leaking defence potentially hindering the result of games.

Click HERE to see the original article. This article was first published on TransferTavern

Written by Enzo Filocco

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  • Aussie Jack says:

    I`m quite sure Wenger understands the situation and his own position, he`s not a fool, just stubborn.
    We`ll know more this week after his chat with Nasri and we`ll have a good idea of how we`ll perform next season at the end of August.

    If by January we don`t see some positive results I would think Wengers position will be precarious to say the least.

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